Cambridge English
YL3 多読
ORT3a | On the Sand |
ORT3b | Kipper the Clown |
ORT3c | The Barbecue |
ORT3d | The Duck Race |
OPX2a | Ant and the Baby |
OPX2b | Pickles' New Home |
OPXC1a | The Web |
OPXC1b | Jet Attack |
ODD3a | Floppy and the Puppets |
ODD3b | Green Sheets |
OFP2a | The Fizz-Buzz |
OFP2b | The Zip |
OSB2a | The Odd Pet |
OSB3a | The Big Match |
SPB3 | At the Fair |
SPB4 | The Park Train |
SPB5 | The Thirsty Cats |
SPB6 | The Surprise |
SPB7 | The Kite Day |
SPBC4 | This Family |
SPBC5 | The Panda |
BBL3a | The Bee's Knees |
BBL3b | Monkey Halloween |
UFR1a | The Ant and the Grasshopper |
UFR1b | The Fox and the Crow |
UFR1c | The Sun and the Wind |
UFR0a | Pirate Pat |
UFR0b | The Perfect Pet |
UFR0c | The Queen Makes a Scene |
UFR0d | Moon Zoom |
UFR0e | The Circus Under the Sea |
RBPRB1 | Our Flag |
RBPRB2 | How a Frog Grows |
LLL3a | Ben and the Boxes |
LLL3b | The Picnic |
LLL3c | Sam and the Dog |
LLL3d | Jojo and the Football |